Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tired Of Political Correctness

In this whole fracas with the childfree community, I have again met something I have loathed since my time as aTrotskyite: political correctness. Who really gives a damn what breeders think? I certainly don't. I think we should start our own board and make it a refuge for those who feel what they feel and to hell with political correctness! Those childed people who are nothing more than "breeders" (yes, there IS a difference between "breeders" and "parents") do not determine our reality.

The big stink was because I had the NERVE to say I didn't feel sorry for this woman at Will's work who has been advised not to become pregnant because of medical issues. She did so anyhow and ended up with one child dying a few days after birth, and a subsequent miscarriage. She was TOLD and yet she was so selfish that she just HAD to have a baby and now that tragedy has struck twice the whole world is supposed to stop for the obligatory moment of chest-beating.
I beg to differ and if groups like cf hardcore and others don't like it well, too bad. I make no apology for it. Breeders don't like it? Good, then start being PARENTS and do the hard work of controlling and guiding your children! And if you are that damned determined to have children, then ADOPT!!

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